10 Blogging Mistakes Most Beginner Bloggers Make

Every blogger wants to get success with his blog, but it may not be easy unless he puts in hard work and does all things properly. Many new bloggers fail to get success with their blog because of the mistakes that they make. If new bloggers won’t make such mistakes, then they will definitely be able to get success with blogging.
In my journey as a blogger, I have learnt that mistakes are made by all of us. But, it is necessary to learn and improve so that the same blogging mistakes won’t be committed again.
Now I’ll make you know the mistakes which new bloggers make. If you’re making the same mistakes, then you should immediately avoid making the same mistakes again.

1. Missing Out On Quality Content

You can’t get success with blogging unless you’ll write unique and high quality content for your blog.
I know that due to lack of time you may not be able to write high quality blog posts. But, if you want to get success with blogging then the most important thing that you need to do is that you need to give enough time for writing quality content.
Quality content will definitely help you in getting better search engine rankings and at the same time you’ll be able to make your blog readers come again and again to your blog.
Hiring a content writer may be an option available for you, but there are many bloggers who prefer to write content on their own.

2. Doing Social Media Marketing in a Wrong Way

There are many new bloggers who don’t give importance to social media marketing.
You won’t be able to make your blog posts popular on social media unless you’ll try to be active at different social media sites.
It may be important to stay active at Twitter, but at the same time it is necessary to stay active at other social networking sites too.
By getting more friends and followers at different social media sites, you’ll be definitely be able to get maximum shares for most of your blog posts.

3. Not Giving Importance to Internal Linking

Internal linking is something which many bloggers are unable to do properly.
It is necessary that new bloggers should start learning the art of doing internal linking properly. I had written a post in which I mentioned the different benefits of internal linking and the way to do internal linking properly.
So if you’ve been not doing internal linking, then start doing it from now. It’ll help you in getting better search engine rankings as well as you’ll be able to get better bounce rate.

4. Building Backlinks in the Wrong Way

It is necessary to get backlinks from high quality blogs as well as you need to try your best for getting different types of natural backlinks for your blog.
Commenting, guest posting and there are many other ways by which you may be able to get quality backlinks for your blog.
Many new bloggers make the mistake of making more backlinks than they should do, while there are many new bloggers who never build backlinks for their new blogs.
As a new blogger, you need to focus on your blog’s content and at the same time you should always look forward to get natural backlinks for your blog.

5. Thinking About Monetization From the Start Itself

One of the mistakes that new bloggers make is that they start thinking about monetizing their blog from the start itself.
You can’t think about earning money just after you have purchased hosting for your new blog.
You should never think about monetization unless you have written good number of blog posts. Once you’ll start getting good traffic, then automatically you’ll understand that by which ways you should monetize your blog.
If you’ll keep blogging properly, then you’ll be definitely be able to monetize your blog in future. You should just concentrate on doing blogging properly and everything else will start happening on own.
Google Adsense, affiliate, sponsored posts are some of the ways by which you’ll be able to monetize your blog.

6. Inconsistency – A Big Mistake

One of the biggest mistakes which many new bloggers make is that they don’t do blogging consistently.
Many times bloggers are unable to focus properly on the tasks that they need to do. Lack of focus makes bloggers do blogging inconsistently.
It is necessary to blog regularly for getting success with blogging.
If you’re someone who is very dedicated towards blogging, then you definitely need to make a proper blogging schedule for yourself.
Keep posting regularly and then you’ll be definitely be able to see rise in your blog’s readership.

7. Interacting with Other Bloggers is Important

One of the mistakes that many bloggers make is that they don’t interact with other bloggers.
By interacting with other bloggers, a blogger will be able to learn new blogging strategies and at the same time he will be able to know that how other bloggers are monetizing their blogs.
You may be also able to know that which are the best niches and it may also make you know about the new opportunities available for bloggers.
Interaction may also help you in getting more social shares and more comments at your blog posts.

8. Writing Only for the Search Engines

You may definitely want to get maximum organic traffic by targeting the right keywords and optimizing your blog posts as per SEO.
If you’ll just focus on writing for Search Engines, then you may not be able to get the right flow while writing. You may not be able to impress your blog readers with your blog’s content and this is something which may decrease your blog’s readership.
It is that’s why important to write content which can make the blog readers happy. By making your blog readers happy, you’ll be definitely able to make your blog grow into an online community.

9. Not Encouraging Comments

Comments play a very important role as good number of comments will mean that your blog is definitely having good number of readers.
It is necessary to have a good commenting system so that the readers will be able to easily comment at your blog.
You should try to reply to most of the comments as by doing this you’ll be interacting with your blog readers. This may also motivate your blog readers to comment at your blog regularly.

10. Lack of Patience – The Biggest Mistake

Blogging is not like a job nor it is like freelancing. Building blog readership and getting good traffic takes time.
You need lot of patience for getting success with blogging. There is no fix income, but perseverance may make you earn lot of money from your blogs.
So if you’re not able to make money even after blogging for 2 to 3 months, then you shouldn’t give up.
Patience has made many bloggers get lot of success from blogging, this is one of the reasons which should make you stay patient for making money from blogging.
If you’ll stay cool and follow the right blogging strategies, then you’ll be definitely able to monetize your blog easily.
I hope that this post of mine which covered blogging mistakes would have made you realize that which things you were not doing in the right way. It is necessary to avoid these mistakes and at the same time you should try to keep improving yourself. Do let me know about the blogging mistakes that you’ve made still now.

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