How To Increase PageViews on Your Blog For More Money

Everyone of us who start a Blog wish to get more traffic to our Blog. Getting high traffic to a blog is the dream of every blogger no matter whether he/she is a new blogger or a professional blogger for years. A Blog is definitely a big resource for making money online if it is done correctly.So, you should concentrate to less your bounce rate and increase your pageviews if you decide to earn from your Blog. I have decided to post this article which explains on how to increase pageviews of a Blog fast.Here I tried explaining about all the tips which helps you to increase your Blog pageviews.
What is meant by Pageviews?
If some person visits your Blog or webpage then that visit is considered to be pageview. If your Blog have 10 webpages and if the same person visits all the ten pages of your Blog then it will be considered as  10 pageviews per one unique visit. Hope now you are clear about unique visits and pageviews.

Top Tips on How To Increase Pageviews of a Blog Fast

1) Post Frequent and Unique Content

Posting content frequently is necessary if you wish to increase pageviews of your Blog. Because frequent content posting helps readers to get back to your blog more often and there is a chance that they will go through all other pages of your blog.This helps to increase your pageviews drastically. So make sure you post unique content consistenly in your Blog.

2) Concentrate on your Blog Loading Time

You should definitely take loading time of your blog into consideration if you wish to increase pageviews of your blog.  Because nowadays everyone of us find lack of time and moreover we are in hurry always. So readers might get irritated if they happened to see your blog loads too slow no matter what your content is. You might be having a excellent content but just think if the reader suddenly closes your blog because of the loading time then all your time you had spent for writing a valuable content gets wasted and hence you are losing your blog pageviews. So make sure to reduce your Blog loading time. If you are using wordpress then some plugins like W3 Total Cache Plugin makes your work easy in making your blog load fast.

3) Use Social Sharing Icons To Share Content Easily

Make sure to use Social sharing Icons at the end or top of the blog post. This makes your content shareable and if a reader likes your post he/she might share your post in his/her social network. Thereby your post might get a chance to go viral and ofcourse there will be an improvement in your Blog pageviews. If you are using WordPress then there are lot of social sharing plugins available which you can customize according to your need.

4) Proofread your post before publishing

Make a habit to proof read your post before publishing. Check out for spellings and other grammatical errors.  Most importantly make sure that the article you are going to publish is easy to understand by your readers.

5) SEO optimized content

Make sure the content is SEO friendly. Confirm that you added proper meta tags to each post you publish this might help you to get high search engine ranking which in turn can increase your blog pageviews too. If you use Blogspot Blog then you need to manually do SEO for Blogspot Blogs. If you use wordpress then you can use plugins like All in One SEO Pack and YOAST SEO Plugin.These plugins make your work easy in terms of SEO for WordPress.

6) Interlink BlogPost

Always interlink your old Blog post to every new Blog post you publish. So your old blogpost will never go unnoticed.This interlinking strategy will definitely work and you will a see a vast difference in your pageviews . For this, plugins are available for wordpress users but I always suggest you to interlink blog posts manually.

7) Link Building

Finally you need to do some Linkbuilding techniques to bring out large number of pageviews. Linkbuilding  gives you backlinks. Gaining a backlink from high PR dofollow website helps your blog to improve its search engine ranking position. So try to build some high quality backlinks from high PR Dofollow site and this will also helps you to increase your Blog pageviews fast.

Concluding Words

I have listed out some of the Top Tips on How to increase pageviews of a Blog fastwhich am following to improve my pageviews. Now its your turn to let out the tips what you follow to increase your Blog pageviews in comments.

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