How To Use Twitter To Promote Your Business

Each and every company whether it is small or big need to have a twitter page dedicated for their business. Brand building is always needed and it is a non avoidable factor these days to promote your business. Twitter is one of the important social media which cannot be avoided just like that as it hold millions of visitor each second.

Even you are a start up company you need to dedicate enough time to take your business to next level and this is possible only via social media channels and twitter is one of them. Even the large fortune 500 companies like Starbucks, Walt Disney, Nike ect do have a page on twitter with tons of followers. So, it is very much essential for a bussines to have a twitter account and get promoted .

Below are the worthy tricks to promote your Brand(Business) With Twitter

1) Have A Compelling Twitter Bio

You must practise to wite a compelling biography about you in your profile by clearly pointing your company name or brand etc., so that people can easily understand who you are and what you offer. Your twitter profile is one of the main key in gaining followers for your twitter profile. There are many strategies you can go through to write a compelling twitter bio.

2) Finding Influencers In Our Niche

Find popular people or like­minded people in your niche and follow them or interact with them on a regular basis.You must build up a strong relationship with them and find oppurtunities to collaborate with them. Just make use of the available essential twitter tools to find and connect with Influencers in your niche

3) Regular Tweets

Leave thoughtful and regular tweets and that acts as a sign of healthy twitter profile. Leave atleast 10 -15 tweets a day at regular intervals to attract good number of twitter followers. You must write a great tweet to attract enough followers.

4) Retweet

Retweet the tweets of your followers as they will retweet you back. Mention their name in the retweet. You can use RT @ username in your retweet to adress your tweet to them.

5) Favourite Tweets

You can also favourite tweets of others.  If you favourite tweets the poster of that tweet can understand that you liked their tweet. Favourites are same as that of likes in facebook.

6) Follow Trends/Hashtags

We know the weightage of keyword in SEO similarly hashtags(#) in tweets also acts like a keyword in Twitter. If you use hashtag(#) for a keyword in tweets your tweets will get featured in search results in twitter and will bring you innumerable benefits. There are many twitter tools to find trending hashtags so you can make use of these efficient tools and use the hashtags whenever relevant.

7) Run Twitter Contest

You can run a twitter contest (i.e.,) you can offer some gifts for some important activity. The contest can be of anything. There are several Inspirational Twitter Contest Ideas You can digg through for branding your business through twitter.

8) Make Use Of Videos And Images

You can include videos and Images in your tweets. Videos and Images tend people to check your tweets and this activity helps much in your brand promotion. Include as much as videos and Images in your tweets.

9) Use Twitter Analytics

Make use of Twitter Analytics tool which is launched by twitter in order to measure your engagement so that you can make your tweets more  and more successful.

10) Use Twitter Tools

You can also make use some of the pro Twitter Tools available in order to brand your business. These Twitter Tools will help you to increase the productivity and also helps to save your time. Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, Buffer, Tweroid, Twellow are some of the well known Twitter Tools to boost your business.

11) Get More Followers

You need to concentrate on increasing your twitter followers in order to make your branding easier with twitter. Make use of Easyretweet and Justretweet to increase your followers. If you look  after more techniques to increase your followers just go through this effective tips to increase your twitter followers.


Hope you got some idea on branding your business with twitter. Twitter branding is very necessary to take your business to next level. Do implement these tips and check your performance. Kindly share your thoughts on these.

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