You definitely want to be in a niche that you can earn money.
The good news is that most topics you could choose to write about could be turned into an income opportunity. We’ll explore ideas below shortly!
How you actually make money blogging is covered in a different post. Today let’s focus on how to select an idea to start your blog around and get that first blog post written.
How to Choose a Profitable Blog Niche
Before we jump to the list of different profitable blog niche ideas below, you first need to understand this important concept.
Starting a blog is going to be hard work and take lots of effort if you want to grow it into a successful online business. Every day there are millions of new blogs starting up for the first time, which means you must make your blog unique in order to stand out.
Because a blog takes a lot of man hours and hard work to grow, you need to select a niche that you are passionate about.
Step 1 is to screen your blog idea with a simple question “Would I be passionate enough about this idea if I wasn’t going to make any money at all”
If the answer is no, discard the idea. You can’t choose an idea solely around it’s income potential. You must actually enjoy talking and writing about this idea so that it feels more like a hobby than work.
As we move on now to the next section which contains a list of profitable blog niche ideas, keep in mind the simple screener question about whether or not this niche would be of interest to you still if money wasn’t involved.
Blogging is a long term game. Get ready to put in the work upfront and reap the rewards in the future. It’s a gratifying feeling when successful finally comes down the road after lots of hard work with no results upfront.
Profitable Blog Niches to Start Your Online Business
Any of these ideas below could be turned into a profitable online business by packaging information into the form of an eBook, a course, a membership website, etc. The key to making money from a blog is giving helpful FREE information in the form of blog posts, that then link to a paid product, like an online course, where you share premium content in an organized manner.
- Fitness Workout Programs
- Yoga Exercises
- Recipes & Meal Plans
- Budgeting & Money Management Tips
- Living a Frugal Lifestyle
- Investing in the Stock Market
- Forex Trading
- Investing in Real Estate
- Software Reviews
- Software Tutorials & How To Content
- Photography Tips & Classes
- Camera Equipment Reviews
- Technology Tutorials
- Technology Reviews
- Make Up Reviews & Tutorials
- Online Marketing Tips
- Offline Marketing Tips
- Social Media Tips
- Study Hacks
- Test Prep on Subject _____
- Babysitting Courses for Beginners
- Dog Training Tips & Courses
- Fashion Blog
- Travel Tips & Resources
- Cars & Automotive
- Relationships, Dating, Marriage
- Language Lessons
- Musical Instrument Tutorials & Lessons
- Drawing Lessons
- Video Editing Lessons
- Graphic Design
- DIY Projects
- Developing iOS & Android Apps
- Coding & Website Design
Boom! You now have different ideas to get your mind jump started. We could go on even further as there are thousands of different niches you could choose from to start a profitable blog.