Want to calculate your website’s worth? If yes then just read the post below to find out the best sites to calculate your
website worth or
website value. Every webmaster or site owner want to know his/her site’s cost. But there are lot of tools available on the internet to calculate the cost of a site. Today we will tell you about Top 10 Sites to Calculate Your
Website Worth.
1. WebsiteOutlook
This website is one of the best place in the world to measure the popularity of your blog and website. The website maintains a proper panel to analyze your investments and suggests ways to improve it.
2. YourWebsiteValue
This website estimates the value of the website based on many factors like pages indexed, number of sites linked, popularity and many other factors.
3. Worthofweb
The Worthofweb values your website depending upon number of factors such as website traffic, popularity in various search engines, page rank, Alexa rank and much more. The site displays the estimated worth of the website along with the WOW score. They also show approximate daily and yearly earnings.
4. Valuemyweb
It has several SEO oriented innovative methods to evaluate the potential of your website. The site gather a large amount of data from various sources like social media, SEO keywords etc.
5. Website-value-calculator
The site evaluates the given site by using its own indigenous algorithm. The site in addition to the potential of the site also displays various other stats like Alexa rank, visitors etc.
6. Cubestat
This site in addition to valuation of the site also shows the values of several keywords related to the site. the site like any other site displays the other stats also.
7. Webworth
This website calculator calculates the worth of the site freely and displays the stats of the site in a graphical format.
8. Sitevaluecheck
Gives a detailed valuation of your website along with other vital stats of your website like Alexa Ranking, Google PageRank, Backlink Depth. However the valuation of this site is questionable as it presents several surprising valuations of some sites.
9. Glurk
This free calculates the value of your website based on the stats entered by you in the form of the website. The stats include your PageRank, Alexa ranking, monthly traffic etc.
10. SitePrice
This free calculator calculates the website worth based of various factors such as site visibility in search engines, social media visibility, number of backlinks, estimated daily visitors and much more.
All the above mentioned sites provide you an approximate idea about the value of your site. These values are not accurate. Do let us know if you use any other tool to calculate the cost of your website.