What is Google Adsense & How Does it Work?

Adsense is a CPC (Cost per click) Advertising program of Google which shows the relevant, auto adjustable and native ads on website and blog. Google Adsense generates relevant banner ads, text and image ads, videos ads (for youtube.com) and sponsored links based on the location and content on the website. Google Adsense is more popular among the publisher … Read more

How to Protect Google AdSense Account From Invalid Clicks

For an ordinary blogger, Google Adsense is the most easily and the most trusted means to make money through blogging. Nowadays, getting Google Adsense approval is somewhat hard, especially in some selected countries. And moreover, even if you get your adsense account approved, the next threat against your account is about getting banned. Your Google Adsense … Read more

9 Best Ad Networks List For Small Publishers

If you created your blog/website and want to earn money from it. The only easy way to earn money from blogging is monetizing your blog/website contents with Ad networks. These ad networks are beneficial for both publishers and advertisers.You can earn tons of money from this ad networks which I’m about to mention below. First of all make … Read more

How Long Takes to Earn First 100 Dollars from Adsense – Simple Calculation

After we have successfully joined the Google Adsense program, the next target for most of us is to reach the payment threshold 100$. How long does it take? When I started blogging and joined Google Adsense program back in 2008, this was the question came to my mind. Searching on Google did not return much useful information. … Read more

100+ High Paying Google AdSense Keywords

Everyone who know it want to earn from it. I am talking about blogging No one wants to spare his time. Are you giving your whole time to blogging and not getting good results? Then this is the time to change your niche and target some high profitable niche’s which will bring you more cash. … Read more