How to Get More Likes on Your Facebook Page

If you have built a facebook page then will it get fans? You have to increase likes on your facebook page. There are different ways to increase facebook fans.
Facebook is world’s largest social media website. I think there is no need to introduce facebook. Most of the people are available on facebook. It is not only a largest social media website, it’s also a great source for customers and visitors. In this article, you will know how to get more facebook page likes.
Whether your facebook page is for an offline or online. In both ways, you need facebook to be connected with your fans. You need fans on your facebook page. If you have a big facebook page then you will get more sales. You can say facebook is a source of traffic. In fact many websites on depended on it.

10 Free Ways To Increase Your Facebook Page Likes

Here are the 10 ways in which you can increase your facebook fan page likes.
Remember one thing, you need quality of likes, not quantity. That’s means likes from profiles with a good number of followers. Fake likes are useless (in my experience). 500 supportive fans are better than 5000 useless. All right, get back to the topic and read below.

1: Brand Your Page

First make your page look like a brand. Upload your logo and design an awesome cover photo. For this purpose, you can use Adobe PhotoShop or some other software. Your cover photo should be 851 pixels in width and 315 pixels in height.
Get a custom URL which should be short and memorable. You can get your business name as a URL (If available). For example this blog’s facebook page.
Add a description for your page. Your About tab should be informative.

2: The Facebook Like Box

If you are using Facebook page for a website or a blog then this thing is effective for you. Adding a Like Box on your website will increase your fans. It works because the traffic on your website is interested in your niche and they will like your facebook page too.
It keeps your visitors attracted to your website. When a visitor like your facebook page, it will be aware of your net blog posts. You can say it’s a way to keep your website visitors connected to you. I have also added a Like box, look at the left side.
There are many ways to add a Like Box in a website. If you are using WordPress then Facebook has its own plugin “Facebook“. This plugin has many features including a like box. You can install this plugin. The plugin “Jetpack Powered By” also have a feature of like box widget. At WPBeginner, there is an article which helps you to add Facebook Like Box in WordPress.

3: Add A Pop-Up Like Box

Pop-Ups increase the chances of likes. A pop-up force the reader to do the things. You can add a Like Box in pop-up to increase the chances of getting likes. In WordPress, here is a plugin “Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox“. This plugin can be used to create a pop-up Like Box in WordPress.

4: Invite Your Friends

You to your page and invite your all friends to like your page. For example, you have 500 friends, you have invited all. Now, you can get 420 likes (if all friends don’t like the page).
There is a little trick, you can make your friends admin of your facebook page. If your page have 5 admins each admin has 500 friends. If all admins invite their friends then the invitation will be sent to 2,500 people.

5: Tag Other Pages

You can tag other pages in your posts. Sometimes, they may give thanks in comment or tag you back. This can increase your likes and may give you fans from them. This is a way to steal your competitor’s fans.

6: Share awesome content

Share awesome content on your facebook page which can be shared by others. Share something informative. Most people usually prefer images over text. You can share photos which look cool. Use emoticons in your status. Here is an article which may help you, Get Ideas For Article Writing.
There is a tip to get more comments. Ask questions in your status. Questions get 100% comments.
Quotes are really liked by users. Quotes get 26% more likes and 19% shares
It does not matter how many likes do your page have. If you have 500 likes and you shared awesome content then this content is liked and shared by your fans. This increase the chances to give you 2,500 likes.

7: Be Active

If you have not posted over a week then you have done wrong. You should be keep posting on facebook. Don’t post all status at a time, schedule them.
Keep posting on your page regularly and be interacting with your fans, otherwise your fans may, unlike your page. Interacting with fans will give them a good impression. Give answers to your fan’s comments and don’t ignore them.

8: Contests On Your Page

You may have seen on facebook pages that “Like for ___ and Share for ____”. You can do the same, collect votes using Likes vs Shares. The most interesting thing about this is, You can get likes, comments, and shares.

9: Share Your Post In Groups

There are many groups on facebook. Most of them have more than 1000 members. Facebook groups are a great way to promote your content. You can do the same with your page. Join some groups in your niche. Share your stuff in them and add credit to your page. Be careful about rules on the group. Group admin or moderator may ban you in case of spamming.

10: Unnatural Ways To Increase Likes

Unnatural ways include fake likes, like exchange etc. These are not recommended. Fake likes are useless because these are not humans or you got likes from fake accounts. With these likes, you don’t get visitors to your website. You need supportive fans.


Facebook fan page is a source to be connected to your fans. Now, you have to increase your fans on facebook. In above tips, I have explained “how to get more facebook page likes”. Now it’s your turn. If you have got any trick or tip then please share with us in comments. Now share this post.

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