14 Ways to Use Twitter to Market Your Business

Its almost been 10 years that twitter has started its operations. It has come a long way and exploded its popularity. Many business seems to reap benefits using twitter. Below are the tips shared to market your business through twitter.
Is it possible to drive more traffic using twitter? And the answers is YES. We just compiled over 8 effective twitter marketing strategies to help you to get most out of twitter. Check out below for below tips and get more traffic and more followers through twitter

Essential Ways To Promote Your Business Through Twitter

1)Tweet Regularly

Using twitter regularly is more important and moreover tweeting regularly is further more important. Regular tweeting gives you the best impression of having an active profile among influencers. If you are inactive then there is a chance that your followers or others can simply forget about you. So, develop a habit of tweeting regularly.

2)Find Influencers and Build Relationships

Building relationship with influencers will add value to your twitter profile. Try to found out the best people in your niche and try connecting them and interact with them. You must be very careful that you shouldn’t be disturbing frequently. You can make use of hootsuite and bufferapp to manage such activities.

3)Optimise Your Twitter Bio

You should have a strong twitter bio about your business. It should include your business contact details, your website and few images and videos related to your business.

4)Use Twitter Hashtags

Find trending tags in twitter and use those trending tags in your tweets. You can reach new users using trending and relevant hashtags in your tweets. You can use twitter tools to find trending hashtags.

5)Make Use of Twitter Tools

Make use of available twitter tools to ease the work. There are enormous number of twitter tools available in the market and you should be little cautious enough to choose the best out of it. Research more on the best twitter tools for making most of the twitter


If you amazed to see a great tweet then just retweet it . Learn the method to retweet in a right way. Retweeting includes manual retweet and automatic retweet. Learn both the method to retweet and use it effectively.

7)Use Twitter Analytics

There are many twitter analytics tools available to help you with more understanding about your followers, your retweets and many more activities on twitter. You need to monitor these kind of activities in order to succeed in twitter.

8)Use Videos and Images

Videos and Images get more share in twitter. Videos and Images are the great way to create a great influence among your followers and inturn it helps to increase your twitter followers. Recently twitter also introduced new video feature to help grow your business.
So why to wait? Just start following the above said methods and experience the difference in your followers as well as followers count. These methods will never let you down in twitter. Do try and post the comments.

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