9 Profitable Services for Bloggers to Offer

The truth about “making money blogging” is that most bloggers do a lot of things that aren’t blogging in order to bring in an income.
Some of the most popular ways for bloggers to make money are:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Advertising
  • Sponsored posts
  • Paid products
  • Offering services

As you can see, there are plenty of way to make money from your blog. But I think that offering services is one of the best options for any blogger. Why?
The great thing about having a service-based business based around your blog is that you can use your blog as a portfolio of your work. It also serves as a testimonial to your expertise. You can write helpful blog posts related to your service offerings and give away a little knowledge for free as a way to attract potential clients.
Remember that most bloggers do have multiple streams of income. Offering services is usually just one component of a blogger’s monetization strategy!

Best Services for Bloggers to Offer

With that being said, here are 9 profitable services to consider offering on your blog!

1. Freelancing

This is a no-brainer. If you already have a blog, why not make some extra money by writing blog posts for others? As a freelance blogger, you can offer blog post writing, SEO optimization, and image sourcing for the post.
Thewriterlife contains a TON of places to find freelance blog writing jobs for bloggers of all different niches for when you are just getting started.

2. Web Design

I run a second website for web design, but it’s another service that you can offer right on your blog if you want! In fact, that is how I started.
As a web designer, you really just need to be super familiar with a popular platform such as WordPress or Squarespace (or both!) and know how to do some basic HTML and CSS coding. You don’t have to be able to code your clients’ sites from scratch.
Web design is a very in-demand service, but you can further differentiate yourself by offering your own unique style of design. (For example, I design elegant, feminine websites for female bloggers and entrepreneurs.)

3. Graphic Design

There is soooo much you can do as a graphic designer! If you are skilled with Photoshop, InDesign, or even Canva, then you can probably offer graphic design services.

Related Post:  How I Make Money as a New Blogger Using Pinterest

I know graphic designers who specialize in logo design, sales and landing page design, social media graphics, ebook design, promotional graphics, and even Pinterest images!

4. Social Media Management

If you are skilled with social media, this might be the perfect service for you.
Social media managers help brands or bloggers manager their social media platforms. This could mean doing anything from creating content for social media, to scheduling posts, to managing communities, to growing social audiences.
An example of a social media manager is Holly from A Branch of Holly. In addition to content writing, Holly offers social media management on her services page.
As a social media manager, you could choose to specialize in a specific platform such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, or focus on serving a specific niche such as creative business owners or fashion bloggers.

5. Coaching

There are a lot of bloggers offering coaching services out there in almost every area imaginable. Blog coaching works for any niche – if you are a successful blogger, you can help others on their blogging journey and answer their questions about blogging.
One example of a successful blog coach is Ell, founder of Boss Girl Bloggers. You can see on her services page that she offers one-hour blog coaching sessions.
Of course, if you don’t feel comfortable offering blog coaching, there are plenty of other areas where people are looking for coaching. Some popular niches are health and fitness coaching, career coaching, and lifestyle coaching. Just make sure that you are actually qualified in your chosen area of expertise!

6. Copywriting

Writing copy is a lot different than regular writing… You need to be able to persuade the reader to take some sort of action, be it purchasing a product or signing up for a webinar.
Business owners and bloggers are often in dire need of copywriters who can help them write high-converting sales pages, sales funnels, blog posts, online advertisements, etc.

7. Email Marketing

Email marketing is sort of like copywriting, but more specialized. To succeed in offering email marketing services, you will need to be familiar with the major email marketing platforms like ConvertKit, MailChimp, and Mailerlite.
You will also need to be able to craft email campaigns that will get subscribers to take action, such as purchasing a product.
Bloggers and business owners use email marketing, so there is a large need for email marketing help. You can further differentiate yourself by helping your clients integrate email marketing on their website, such as by designing opt-in forms and landing pages.

8. Pinterest VA

Pinterest virtual assistants have been in high demand lately for bloggers and business owners.
Basically, being a Pinterest VA combines aspects of social media management and graphic design. Essentially, you would run a client’s Pinterest account for them.
Pinterest isn’t exactly like other social media platforms, which is why I classified this service separately. As a Pinterest VA, you could create share-worthy Pinterest images for your client, keep their account active by re-pinning content for them, optimize their profile with Pinterest SEO, join group boards for them, and drive traffic to their blog or website.

9. Photography

If you have a nice camera and a love for photography, then selling stock photos could be the perfect service offering for you!
One of my favorite photographers is Elle of Wonderfelle Media. Not only does she sell an affordable monthly subscription of stock photography perfect for brands and bloggers, she also does custom brand photography. 
I think there is a lot of potential for differentiation in this area, because you can offer photography services targeted towards a specific niche; for example, stock photography for fashion bloggers or travel bloggers.

What Services Will You Offer?

There’s my suggestions for some of the top, most in-demand services for bloggers to offer! Of course, there are plenty of others out there… If you see a need for a specific service in your niche, then fill it!
I would love to hear from any other bloggers in the comments below. Do you offer services, and if so what kind?

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