11 Ways How To Make Your Blog Load Faster

Hope Everyone knows that our blog loading time have a vital impact in overall ranking of your blog. Also your Blog loading time is really important to attract visitors. Every new blogger including me face this issue with their blog and out of experience everyone learn some strategies to reduce the loading time of a blog. Everyone of us rush up fast today so none of us will have a time to check a blog which loads very slow. So if you need to attract too many visitors and also if you wish to get many regular readers and increase your blog pageviews then you should necessarily should go through the below hot tips to reduce the loading time of your blog.

Tips To Reduce The Loading Time of your Blog

1. Always Try to Choose the Best Hosting Provider

Your Hosting Provider plays a crucial part in speeding up your blog. Always the first step in reducing the blog loading time is just check if you got the right hosting provider. If your website gets too many response from server then your blog loading time might increase.Only the reputable hosting provider can help you with minimizing the loading time of your blog. I personally done a A/B testing with two of my new blogs where for one blog I signed up with a reputable company Hostgator and for another blog I signed up with another hosting provider which is very new with low fees. I found a significant difference in the loading time of a Blog. That’s why it is very important that you need to sign up only with a good hosting provider.

2. Install  a Cache Plugin

If you are a wordpress user then you can install a plugin called W3 Total Cache Plugin for wordpress.  It is really very effective to reduce your blog loading time as the major benefit of installing this plugin is it decrease the loading time of the server and it will naturally reduce the loading time of your blog. So I recommend you to use this plugin on your wordpress blog.

3. Get rid of Unnecessary Javacripts

Too many javascripts will increase your blog loading time. So always try to use only necessary widgets only on your blog and also remove unnecessary javacripts from your blog.

4. Avoid Flashes and too many plugins

Always Flash media is a great disadvantage in SEO perspective and  also in page loading time. So avoid using flashes on your website. Moreover do not try to install too many plugins on your blog. Install only necessary plugins for your blog as installing many plugins on your blog will also increase your blog loading time.

5. Do not use too many Images

Always try to add only 1-2 images in a post. Don’t add images more than this because adding many images to the post will also increase your blog loading time.

6. Avoid too many social sharing buttons

Social sharing buttons are javascripts so it necessarily it may requires some time to load and this in turn increase your loading time of your blog. So do not keep too many social sharing buttons. Keep them minimized.

7. Resize the Images

Do not use large sized images on your blog post. Try to compress or resize it and upload it this will help you to reduce the loading time of your blog.

8. Do not Use Image Backgrounds

Do not use large Images for your Blog’s background as your blog’s background images slow sown your blog about 40-50%.

9. Number of posts in main page should be minimized

Try to limit the number of posts displayed on the main page. If the number of posts in main page increases then your blog loading time also increases. Try to limit the number of posts in main page to be 10.

10. Minimize ads

Advertisement codes are loaded with javascripts and we already discussed javacripts have a impact in your blog loading time. So do not use too many ads on your blog or website.


These are my Hot Tips To Reduce The Loading Time of your Blog. I shared these tips out of my own experience. If at all if you have any other tips apart from this to reduce the blog loading time try to share it.

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