8 Reasons to Put Your Business on the Web

1. Best and Easy Customer Support

Customer support is one of the most important thing in business now. We are no longer in the 80’s or 90’s where we used (was forced) to depend on one or two stores for a product.Competition level  has turned up into a higher ratio . Customer satisfaction is an inevitable thing these days or else the customer might leave you(which means your competitor gains).By putting your business online, ,you can offer fantastic customer support for your product than from your shop. You can give 24/7 support from your home or wherever you wish. A customer can buy your product even on holidays or at any time irrespective of rain ,wind or any other climatic issues  provided an internet connection.

2. Best In Building Your Brand.

If you are launching a new product into the market, you cannot survive without building the brand. Have a look at the top 15 internet using countries and the number of users . Quite appealing , right?.
Seeing this data , you cannot deny the mass visiblity of internet and its users as well as advertisments and brand building through internet. Huge success of Google adsense and adwords ensures this. Toyotais one of the best example of using internet to boost up its brand value. Toyota has its facebook page, youtube account and a perfect website(which give all the required information for the users). Toyota is one of the best example of creating huge success through online media.
Oreo’s facebook  page got now 3 crore(33 million) likes and its been termed as the best example of social media marketing excellency . What they posts in facebook and through other online media (Oreo’s Website) are  top notch stuffs with sleeky design and interesting thoughts. For example, have a look at this share in the oreo facebook page.
Which one was born cookie or creme?
Like wise you can build your brand online, and the cost would be much less compared to other advertising medium (like tv or newpapers). What you need is a couple good idea and a designer. You can make lots of interesting infographics and share it via the facebook page, website and other  online media.

3. Global reach for your products.

You can take your business to a global level . Consider your shop is in a small street in Mumbai, you will only be getting business in that area. But what is the case of amazon, or flipkart ? People all over the world are using it, and which means that much business.

4. Going with the trend.

Building  website is trendy. Having a website is getting mandatory now a days.What if your competitor has a website ?, the online income and all the other opportunities will be driven to him and you will be beaten ultimately.The number of people who buys things online is increasing day by day, so as  the amount of trust in online business. Once the customer tries it, and if they are satisfied they may try it again.

5. Low Start up Cost.

Cost of running a business online is  surprisingly smaller than you think.
How much would be the start up cost for your online business?
Lets have a small comparison about the finance required for online and non – online business.
Where you need to put money?

  • Cost of a domain.
  • Cost of the website(design and hosting).
  • Cost of marketing.

Where you saves your money?

  • You just need an office address, not an office. No online customer visits your office. So you can even set your home address as the office address.
  • Zero stock holding– What you need is some images or videos of your products. You need not hold the stock, and once you get the order you can get or make the product and ship it to the customer.
  • Least amount of employees– As almost 70% of the operations are automated, you only need a few staffs to do the rest of work(like shipping, order processing and all) and it depends on how big your business is.

6. Customer’s surety in buying.

  • Customer can make himself sure whether he should buy the product. For instance, if you are buying a t-shirt, you can give the link to many of your friends and ask for opinions. While its impractical taking all of your friends to the shop.

7. Automation of processes.

Everything is automatic. The payment, order, invoice generation and all. You don’t need to worry about this at all  while in  the other side you need to.

  • You don’t need sales staff, what you may need would be some staff(depends on how big your business is) for packing and shipping.

8. Freedom to live anywhere.

You can live anywhere you like. You doesn’t need to be in a specific place to operate your business online. Just make sure you are updated with your website.

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