10 Websites with Scary Stories to Read Online

We all are looking for some thrill in our lives but unfortunately, life isn’t so happening after all. Thankfully, there are stories and fiction that keep us humans sane. Out of all the genres, the horror genre is probably the most engaging but certainly, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. 

If you are a scary story connoisseur, this is the right place for you to find a collection of websites with scary stories to read online. 

If you browse the internet, you will get flooded with websites that promise to give you original horror stories, but not all of them are scary enough. If you are really craving a scary story, we have a collection of top 10 websites with scary stories to read online that will make it worth your while. 

10 best websites with horror stories to read online

If you are looking for some zing in your life, reading horror stories is the right option. It will add just the right amount of dopamine and adrenaline to your bloodstream and make your life even more happening. Here are the 10 best websites where you can go if you are craving a creepy story-

1. Creepypasta

When it comes to horror stories online, Creepypasta is a name one can’t miss mentioning. It is a platform where people submit their scary adventures and encounters in the form of stories. 

You can find all sorts of ghostly stories that include creepy ghosts, paranormal encounters, possessions, exorcisms, and whatnot. 

The stories are usually first person, adding to the horror. However, the stories aren’t real; they are all fiction. 

It is quite easy to browse the website and find out the spookiest stories based on their ratings, authors, etc.

If you write horror stories, it is possible to submit them as well. Once they meet all the editorial requirements, your story might feature on the website too.

2. Scary for Kids

If you are looking for scary stories that cater to kids, this is the right website for you. The stories definitely have horror but they don’t scare you to death. It is perfect for kids who have just started reading horror stories. 

You can find stories based on categories like urban legends, Halloween specials, and more. What’s interesting about the website is that the stories are mild and not too disturbing for the younger generation. 

3. The Darkest Blog

The Darkest Blog is a place where you will mostly find short horror stories that will take you by surprise. Here, you will find both fictional and real-life horror stories. 

You can choose your favorite story from categories including ghost stories, witch stories, mind-bending ‘dud’ tales, and creepy dreams. 

If you are willing to watch horror stories instead, you can do that too on the website. It is also possible to find animated horror stories that will scare you to death.

4. Hauntu

Hauntu is essentially a horror website that shows videos and horror clips based on real-life incidents. Moreover, they also have a dedicated blog that features short horror stories, horror blogs, compilations, and more. 

If you are looking for some thrill and horror information at the same time, Hauntu is the right place to go.

5. Oldstyle Tales Press

Oldstyle Tales Press is a horror critique blog that publishes essays on popular horror writers like Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe, H.P Lovecraft, Agatha Christie, and more. 

If you are a classic horror story fan, this is the right place for you. The essays here are detailed and very interesting for literature lovers.

Speaking of spooky stories, the website also features a journal named ‘The Yellow Book,’ where you can find modern horror stories that you can read as you want. 

You can even download PDFs of the stories for free and read them in your leisure time.

6. Japanese Horror Stories

Who said horror stories without mentioning Japanese horror tales? It is true that Japanese culture has a different take on horror stories. Some of them are scary as hell while others are emotional. 

If you are obsessed with Japanese culture and want to read thrillers, ghost tales, stalker cases, urban legends, cryptic anecdotes, etc., then you should totally visit this website. 

7. Scare Street

Scare Street is a place where you will find all the scare story writers with their best work. You can choose from psychological thrills, ghost stories, and horror novels. Scare Street has a decent social media following and most of its audience share their stories from time to time. 

8. Reedsy Prompts

Looking for an endless supply of mind-boggling horror stories? Reedsy Prompts offers countless stories that talk about chilling encounters, real ghosts, and haunted places. 

This is a treasure mine for horror story writers as well. The website runs a weekly horror story content and the winner gets $250 plus a feature. 

This is one of the largest collections of horror stories out there. Want to start your horror story journey? Start with award-winning short stories and add some thrill to your life. 

9. Medium

Medium is the largest platform for writers out there. There are publications that regularly publish short and long horror stories from writers around the world. 

If you are looking for some diversity in the horror stories you read, go to medium and find what you are looking for. 

10. Wattpad

Wattpad is a holy place for writers of all sorts. From fanfiction to horror stories, you can find everything here. 

You can follow popular horror story writers on Wattpad and start following the spooky adventure. You can even comment on each paragraph of the story as you go and wait for them to update their story from time to time. 


1. What is the shortest scary story ever?

The shortest scary story is a simple two-sentence plot that goes like this- “The last man on earth sat alone in a room; there was a knock at the door.” you won’t believe the horror it carries until you read it a couple of times. 

2. How do you read a scary story?

To get the most thrill out of a horror movie, you have to do these things-

  • If the horror story has a movie, don’t watch it. Most movies ruin the thrill if you read the story afterward. 
  • Make the environment fit for reading the horror story. You have to be alone and choose to read the horror story during nighttime. 
  • Don’t leave the story for later. Read it in one go. 

3. Which is the most horror story in the world?

Here are some of the most popular and classic horror stories of all time-

  • Dracula
  • The Exorcist
  • Frankenstein
  • The Tell-Tale Heart
  • The Turn of The Screw
  • Young Goodman Brown

4. What is the scariest horror story ever written?

One of the scariest stories ever written is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. It is a dark and dystopian story that talks about topics like human greed and trauma.

5. What makes a ghost story scary?

There are some of the most important elements of a horror story, including-

  • A creepy or abnormal plot
  • A spooky character
  • Twists and turns in the story
  • Supernatural things

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