16 Online Business Ideas – Money Making Ideas That Work

The success of any business lies in the model. If your model is good, you’ll have surplus time, and this surplus time can bring in more money. When it comes 2017, many online/internet business models helps you to achieve this. The biggest advantage of internet related business is that you need less investment, less time and it is globally scalable.

The key to wealth is to learn how to make money when yo sleep

J Paul Getty

In short, internet businesses allows you to make money while you sleep.
So What all are the best online businesses that can help you to earn while you sleep? Let’s have a look.

1 Blogging

Blogging undoubtedly is one of the most efficient online business model. Blogging stands very much closer to the title of this blogpost. You doesn’t even need to worry much about monetizing your blog, once you have the readers/traffic, you can easily make money out of your blog. Have a read at the 10 different methods through which you can make money from your blog.
Blogging is all about writing quality content and building a reader base. The simplest form of making money through blogging is advertisements, the more readers you have, the more money you can make out of these advertisements. And you don’t need to deal with any advertising brokers or people to get ads published in your blog. You can use adnetworks like adsense (can be integrated to your blog in 2 minutes). These ad networks display ads in your blog automatically, which can literally make you money while you are sleeping(ads will run 24/7).

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a billion dollar industry when it comes to 2016. It is also a good internet business model that can make money while you are sleeping. What you need to do is to join popular affiliate programs(like amazon and all), pick a product and promote it through your online channels. You’ll get paid as commissions per sale. You can promote your affiliate links through the channels where you have influence(may be a blog, youtube, facebook page or whatever). You can sell while you are sleeping , and the money earned while sleeping can get you rich!

3. Ebook Selling

Ebook selling is another good online business model through which you can make money sleeping. Ebook, being a digital product, can make you great deal of profits. As you may know, the cost of digital product a is the initial cost. After all, you can get cent percent profit per sale.
You can sell your ebook through various channels available online/

  • Amazon Kindle Store
  • Lulu, smashwords and other stores
  • Through your own blog
  • Through social medias

4. Selling photos

If you are a good photographer or can create good photographs, you can make money online selling it through various market places like shutterstock and istockphotos, smugmug, alamy, fotolia etc. As I already mentioned, being a digital product , the profit percentage will be higher. Just imagine, you woke up one morning to see 100+sales to your photos, awesome! right?

If you don’t find a method to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die

Warren Buffet

5. Selling themes/plugins

Selling supporting themes and plugins is one of the hottest online business models in 2017. As I’ve mentioned, I am a WordPress theme/plugin developer. We sell WordPress themes directly through themeforest as well as our independent theme store. Till now, we’ve made 200+ sales through themeforest alone. If you want to know the reach of themeforest themes, check out this article about a themeforest theme that made millions of dollars in 2 years.
Another good option to make money online while you sleep is to sell supporting plugins/extensions for platforms like WordPress, Magento, Joomla etc. Codecanyon is one good market place through which you can sell your plugins.

6. Selling your music

There are lots of people who live full time online with their music skills. Did you know that singers make millions of dollars through YouTube alone?
Some of the popular places through which you can sell your music online are.

  • Wix Music- Through wix music you can reach highly influential channels and promote your music 100% commission free. You can promote your music through itunes, spotify etc
  • YouTube- Start your own YouTube channel , build subscribers and promote your music in YouTube. You can make money through ads in YouTube

7. Selling graphics/fonts/logos/clip arts

Logos,Clip art and graphics are something thats highly required for any online business. Whether it be blog, power point presentation or a facebook ad , graphical images are used day by day and it does have great demand. You can make money online selling your graphics/clipart.
You can sell your graphics through marketplaces like graphicleftover and graphicriver  etc and yes make some money while you sleep.

8. YouTube Videos

Creating YouTube videos is one of the most favorite online business model now a days. There are many people who make millions of dollars through their YouTube channel. Felix Arvid Urf Kjellberg (founder of YouTube Channel PewDiePie) makes 15 million Dollars a year from his YouTube channel. YouTube channel can not only make you money while you sleep, but also make you a celebrity. You can use adsense/youtube ads in order to make money through youtube. What you need to do is to develop a channel with lots of subscribers.
You can get paid per views, more views means more ads and more ads can make you more money.

9. Mobile Apps

Mobile app is another online idea where you can make great deal of money while you sleep. Think about an innovative mobile app that is useful . Once the app gets its momentum, people will start downloading and using the app. The more user the more money you can make. The most basic way of making money from a mobile app is using ads, other than that there are different ways through which you can make money from your mobile app. Calm app follows the freemium model to make revenue. They offer lots free meditation courses(from which they build users) as well as premium ones(from which they make money).

10. Starting a Website that drive visitors

We all live in a web/mobile era. We all know that billion dollar companies, or some of the companies who rule this world are web companies(google, facebook etc). That much is growing potential of a website.
Think about a unique idea, whether it be a web application like facebook, twitter or like a simple tool like Google(Well, its no longer a simple tool right now, but it was a simple search engine way back in the mid nineties).
Think about some web application that solves the problem of people in the world. Think about something that can drive visitors into the website. More visitors is equivalent to more money. All these big companies where started as small web applications and it was the visitors who helped to grow these companies as billion dollar businesses.

Time is money

Benjamin Franklin

11. Start a niche E-commerce website

Ecommerce is another trending online business of this era. Well, admit it, you cant be the next amazon! But you don’t need to be an amazon to make great deal of money. I’ve mentioned about lots of niche ecommerce startups who make million dollar profit annually from their ecommerce stores running from home.
Pick a good niche in which you can sell products and promote your store. If you can make 6$ profit per order and is able to bring 30 orders a day, you can earn $5,400 a month.
If you work in the drop shipping model(where some other people ships the product and you’ll just manage the order), the process will be much more easier.

12. Sell in marketplaces

Selling in marketplaces like Amazon,etsy etc are one of the most favorite online money making methods of 2016-2017. Through amazon fba, many sellers make more than  $30K a month through their online sales. Amazon FBA is program where amazon takes care of the shipping and packing; you just need to supply the inventory. The advantage of this business model is that , you don’t need any staffs to manage this business. You can operate this sitting from home, what you need to do is to pick a product that has good chance to be sold in amazon. Etsy is also another good market place through which lots of sellers make great deal of money while they sleep.
If you want to know more, read this complete guide about setting up an amazon fba business.

13. Rent out your place

You can rent out your place and make money online while you sleep. Portals like Airbnb, vrbo etc allows you to list out your place. People can book rooms in your hotels, rooms, house or wherever through these portals. This is one good online method through which you can make some good money with out much effort or investment.

14. Webinars

Webinar is another good online business model you can try. So, what really is a webinar? Webinar is seminar/presentation/lecture that is conducted online using a video conferencing software. People who are interested in the webinar can pay and join the webinar. The joined people can have an interactive session , by asking questions, poll etc. If you have any interest in webinar, read this article about making $10,000 from your first webinar.

To get rich, you have to be making money while you’re asleep

David Bailey

15. Podcasts

Podcast is one trending idea to make money online. If you have a good amount of audience who listen to your podcasts(through your blog or whatever), you can make a lot of money from your podcasts.
Some of the popular ways in making money from your podcasts is,

  • Episode sponsors- If you have audience, you can easily get podcast sponsors and make money from each episode
  • Freemium Podcasts- Offer podcasts for free, but reserve some of them as premium
  • Product recommendations – You can recommend products to your audience. Say if your podcast is about yoga, you can always recommend a yoga course or ebook.

16. Sell course in Udemy

Udemy is a good place where you can make money while you are sleeping. In Udemy, you can sell online courses to people all over the world. Udemy has listed courses in wide range of categories. If you are good at something, start an online course in udemy. Average price of a udemy course is 30$. Udemy course is a digital product and the effort is one time. After the initial efforts you’ll be earning 100 percent profit(as you don’t have to invest any time further, except replying to your students queries).
Hope you enjoyed this 16 online business models through which you can make money while sleeping. If you have some queries, bring it on in comments. If you find this article worthy, don’t forget to share(this will help me to reach more audience).

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