Top 20 Proven Ways to Make Money with WordPress

WordPress is an open source web publishing platform that is used for creating your own blog or website. We introduce and deliver our business or product in the mode of online through the blogging with WordPress. Nowadays more than 500 companies like bloggers, small businesses build their websites on WordPress. Approximately 41% of the websites or web pages or applications that were created on WordPress.

Now most people are staying online. Being online is one of the ways for earning money. There is no limit to how much money you earn through WordPress. There are many ways to earn money with WordPress. Before that, you will have your own blogs with wordpress. There are lots of ways of making a living with the WordPress website. Below we have mentioned some important ways for making money via WordPress. 


Ecommerce is the best way for selling our products either physically or directly. Through ecommerce we will be able to do our business digitally for the online customers. In the digital world people want to buy the products mostly in the mode of online. By adding an additional plugin with WordPress to make our business into e-commerce sites. “Woocommerce” is an open and powerful ecommerce plugin tool which is used to turn our business to the online purchasers without seamless service. 


Advertising is the great way to deliver our business in the mode of online through the internet. If you want to introduce your product in the digital world advertising is one of options. Google Adsense is the best option to post the ads on our blogs or websites. We earn money when the user clicks on the posted ads i.e., called the Pay per Click (PPC). Before that, we must apply for it. After the approval is accepted by Google, the relevant ads are shown on our web pages. PPC pays you when your site is visited by more visitors. It is the best way to make passive income only when the ads are relevant .

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process of promoting other products or businesses in our blogs. It is also a proven way to make money with WordPress. We get paid each time when the user clicks the link or buys a product based on our referrals. The affiliate link that we are using here is also called the Cost per Click (CPC). The sales can be tracked through navigating from one website to another. The company pays you directly based on the customers that come to their website through unique affiliate links that you are provided on your blogs.

Valuable Content

If we want to make money, we must write the quality content on our website and get traffic to our content. It is a must to attract the visitors to come to our blogs or web page for viewing or staying in our site. For example, when we run an online shop, we should pay attention to what the users really want. We must satisfy the customer’s needs by providing valuable content for a product or service. So, we should provide attractive content for our products that we want to sell in the online world. 

WordPress Courses

Nowadays lots of people wish to learn new things through the internet. So, having a website is the best option for making money. After that, we may deliver our business to the target customers by posting ads, affiliate marketing, etc. For example, we offer the Java tutorial course in our blog. We fix the price for that course. It is a must to impress the visitors who wish to learn a tutorial course with the appropriate amount of money. After that, we will host the course on WordPress.

Premium Membership & Subscriptions

The membership and subscription are another way for making money with WordPress. In the java course, all the advanced concepts should be set under the membership. That means the users can access the Java advanced concepts only by who buys your premium membership. Subscription is a little different from membership because all the resources and courses may be accessed under subscription at an adequate price. 

SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving our site to make more visitors based on the relevant search of keywords. The produced search results may be image, text, audio, or video formats. SEO algorithm allows to fetch the data from the server for what the customer needs. If more visitors visit our website, the search engine pays for our sites based on the ranking factor. We must provide exclusive content in our blog to get a higher rank than other websites. 

Design Services

If you are good at WordPress, it is also one of the best options for making money by providing a comprehensive design for the clients. You may advertise your design work on your website for the target audience who wish to have responsive design to promote their business. We earn passive income to custom design for the clients by this method only if you have efficient knowledge and effort to build and maintain the website. The Developer is responsible for the design services including blog setup, security, maintenance, etc.

WordPress Themes & Graphics

We make money by developing the WordPress themes and also sell it on our WordPress site. Before that, we must know the technical and design skills. We create the wordpress themes for the customers who would like to change their websites. Another option is to get money by creating graphics with ecommerce plugins such as the company’s logo & icons. We can sell our graphics in the online marketplace.

WordPress Plugins

The plugin is the additional feature which is used to run the blog properly. It allows users to modify any of the features of our websites. There are lots of plugins available on wordpress. We can create our own plugin only if we have basic knowledge of the PHP programming language and the working process of the wordpress. Plugins are designed to find out a solution to a problem especially for the specific need of the customer.. We can sell our plugins either in our wordpress site or in the online marketplace.

Online Marketplace

Online marketplace is similar to the ecommerce website. It is the best option for the online customers to sell their own products and make profit from it. In online marketplace the vendors may sell their products by register on your wordpress site. After the vendor’s registration, each vendor sells their products. Each sale you can earn money. It is necessary to need separate plugins for making your site into multiple vendor platforms. Amazon, ebay, Walmart is the leading online market for earning money online.

Freelance Service

Freelance is a self-employed service that offers the services to a variety of customers. As a freelancer you may earn money by providing your skills or experiences without investing any money. You can also offer the consulting services from your blogs. As a freelancer we must have the basic skills about sales, management, business, etc. A freelancer gets paid by accepting checks, credit cards, Electronic fund transfer, etc.

Writing Reviews

Feedback is the best option for buying a product and distributors make improvements on their products. We can make money by writing reviews of a product or business. The good reviews will attract more visitors to buy a product on their website. It will help to connect the new customers for the companies based on the feedback. If you are a user of a specific product you may write good reviews on the specific product or service. We can earn money by writing high quality reviews on Amazon and Google.

Flipping Website

Flipping websites is another way to earn money. Flipping is the process of buying a website after improving it and selling it at a higher price. We make it most popular by providing rich content, optimizing and getting traffic to the website. You can set a high price of the selling website based on the creation of the demand of that website. 

Create Private Forum

We can monetize in different ways by showing ads, selling products, and providing affiliate links. We must create a private forum for making money. The private forum allows users who are paying you. For example, if you are posting job lists of other companies opening positions on your website, you can get paid by hiring someone through your forum. You can collect a fee from the sponsor based on the visibility of our forum.

E-book and Webinar

It is a great way for making money by selling ebooks and online courses. Most of the readers are staying online now. It is the best platform for monetizing our thoughts and experience with WordPress website. More students are getting ready to pay and gain knowledge by buying ebooks and participating in the webinar courses. We can add a question and answer section in our webinar section for your visitors. 

Online Job Marketplace

It is similar to the ecommerce. We also can make money by informing various job vacancies that are listed on the online job marketplace. You must build a website in the online marketplace to allow job seekers to get the right job there. Each visitor can interact with the company directly by our job portal. We surely get money by hiring a visitor from our wordpress website. We attract visitors by getting confirmed jobs within a certain month for those who get paid memberships.  

Sponsored Posts

It is also a way for making money through posting sponsored posts on our website. Actually the sponsored posts are sponsored by other companies. It is necessary to find the sponsors that pay you for your ads or posts that are displayed on your blogs. We must promote other company’s products or services. Also we can share the sponsored post in our social media followers to attract more visitors. We can get passive income by anyone who clicks the affiliate links and buys it.

Become a Speaker or Coach

You may earn being a coach by providing the consultation or advice to someone’s business or personal life. You can be any one of the coaches such as blogs, writing, etc. Here a coach will get paid by giving their knowledge, experience and more to the visitor to become a successful person in the society or business. The provided advice should be set as a goal to improve their business and their personal life. 


We can earn money by displaying a paypal or Stripe donate button on our wordpress site. It is also a possible way to make money by blogging with wordpress. In the form of a donation, we may get paid by asking directly to the visitor of our site. You receive more money from your visitors only if you provide the quality content on your website, free plugins and more offers to the customers. 


There is no need for extra knowledge with WordPress to earn money in online mode. People can get paid by any of the above mentioned ways. You must know how to sell our product or service in the digital world. These are the proven ways for getting money from your wordpress website. It is must need to focus and satisfy the customer requirements by providing the exclusive content, good reviews, security services, etc

About Author

Sajitha is a skilled Content Writer at ZuanEducation. She holds her Masters in English literature and has a keen interest in discovering new ways to reach more clients through her Content. She also has expertise in thesis writing and a zealous Self published author of fictional books.

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