How To Use Twitter To Market Your Business

The internet revolution has been a strong positive drive across major aspects of human life. From effective socialization and communication to strategic business marketing, social media is a great tool everyone hopes to use to the fullest. In previous years, traditional marketing strategies were utilized to promote business growth despite their limitations.

Today, marketing has taken a giant leap that goes beyond boundaries through the help of social media, with Twitter as one of the leading platforms.

Twitter is a powerful social networking platform that effectively doubles as a search engine to satisfy people’s cravings for live information. Being a free platform with such features and a global reach of millions, business people can use its popularity and influence for marketing their products or services. You can market your business on Twitter through the following means:

  1. Tweet Actively

One of the things that drive the uniqueness of Twitter is how fast it moves. A topic can be trending right now yet lost in oblivion the next moment. It’s of utmost importance that you interact with your Twitter community consistently. This helps you sustain whatever awareness you might have built or intend to build. Also, an active Twitter account draws the online community’s attention to whatever topic is trending.

Do not limit your tweets about business. Post jokes and trending funny videos that can be downloaded using the video downloader for Twitter. Or feel free to engage in meaningful conversations and intellectual arguments without going overboard. These would make people always look forward to your page for your tweets.

Furthermore, interacting and engaging with existing and potential customers makes them feel important and interested to know more about your business. 

  1. Build Your Twitter Account

Twitter statistics have revealed much about the power and influence a well-built account can wield. The Twitter community is where people actively support an account from which they derive value. This value can come in the form of meaningful content that can contribute to their intellectual growth, support their stance on a popular issue, and many others. Through this, you can gain a considerable number of followers that would be loyal to whatever adverts you use your Twitter account for.

While it’s usually advisable to have a personal Twitter account aside from your brand’s account, you can always link your tweets that have generated considerable traffic to your business or brand’s account. As a result, the content from your personal account indirectly markets your business.

  1. Engage Influencers

Interactions are always a good way of creating awareness in any online space. As an online community, Twitter has enabled celebrities, brand advocates, and thought leaders to rise to a position of influence by amassing a large number of followers. By engaging with the tweets of such people regularly, you can gain exposure that can attract people to your tweets as long as they’re what they love to read.

Also, you can connect with these influencers to help you use Twitter to market your business by adding a tweet or two to their growing and actively engaged thread of tweets. This allows your business advert to reach many people at a time.

Some of these influencers are also good content writers/creators that can help you develop excellent adverts that can engage the readers.

  1. Use Hashtags

Hashtags are popular identifiers on Twitter. They’re searchable words or phrases that can uniquely link many tweets together such that a search of the hashtag would bring up all tweets linked with it. 

If you want to increase your visibility on Twitter beyond your followers, it’s essential to know how to use hashtags. You must look for the trending hashtags and incorporate them organically into your advert tweets. This would ensure that your tweet reaches more active Twitter users beyond your followers, making it an effective marketing strategy. 

You can also create a unique hashtag for your business that you can consistently use whenever you tweet to generate awareness.

  1. Use Twitter Advertisement Options

Although Twitter is a free platform, many paid marketing options can significantly improve your business by increasing its visibility. Advertising options like Promoted Tweets allow your business to be visible on regular Twitter feeds to other users who are not your followers. 

Another option is the Promoted Account, which allows your business account to be enlisted among the ‘who to follow’ segment on Twitter. This enables you to increase your followers.

Other helpful marketing tools on Twitter include Promoted Trends, Twitter Amplify, and Promoted Video, all of which aim to increase your visibility and grow your followers on Twitter.


Using Twitter as a marketing tool can seem technical without adequate knowledge. To break down the technicalities, this article explains in simple terms how to market your business on Twitter through increased visibility. Also, other marketing strategies that can effectively drive business growth are discussed in detail. With this knowledge, you can optimize Twitter to set your business up for success. 

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