100+ High Paying Google AdSense Keywords

Everyone who know it want to earn from it. I am talking about blogging No one wants to spare his time. Are you giving your whole time to blogging and not getting good results? Then this is the time to change your niche and target some high profitable niche’s which will bring you more cash.
In blogging everyone aims to earn high with Google Adsense, this can’t be done by less cpc keywords until or unless your blog has millions of page views a month.
There is a way using which you can earn more than 100$ a day with adsense with less traffic, yeah it is by targeting high CPC keywords. So Today here by in this post you are getting the top 20 highest cpc keywords, niche you can blog on and can get benefited
Here is the infographic on the same topic showing the Top 20 highest cpc Evergreen keywords you can try.

The Top 20 Niche You Can Try

Here is the list of the best niche you can try and earn great amount of money with less traffic.

  • Insurance
  • Loans
  • Mortgage
  • Attorney
  • Credit
  • Lawyer
  • Donate
  • Degree
  • Hosting
  • Claim
  • Conference Call
  • Trading
  • Software
  • Recovery
  • Transfer
  • Gas/Electricity
  • Classes
  • Rehab
  • Treatment
  • Cord Blood

So now don’t waste your time and choose niche accordingly. Choose the one which interests you the most and you will definitely get success with it. This is the list and infographic on High CPC most expensive keywords
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