10 Easy Ways to Get More Retweets on Twitter

Every blogger aims to drive more traffic from Twitter to his blog. But, it may not be easy unless one gives good time for it. One of the best ways to get the maximum traffic from Twitter is by getting more retweets. If a blogger isn’t able to get more retweets, then he may not succeed at getting enough traffic from Twitter. A blogger can definitely get more retweets by tweeting in the right way and interacting more with others.
You’ll feel surprise to know that I’m not a Twitter expert, but am trying out these things for getting more retweets.
I’ve started getting more retweets and this makes me happy as I hope that it will boost my blog’s traffic.
A blogger can’t succeed with social media marketing unless he himself tries out different things.
If you want your Twitter marketing strategies to bring you the desired result, then you’ll need to give more time for it.
Here are the things that you need to do for getting more retweets.

  1. Tweet at the Right Time

 How can you expect to get more retweets when you’re not tweeting at the right time?
It is necessary that you should tweet when others are active.
The best thing you can do is tweeting at different time of day and night. You’ll need to check that at what time you’re able to gain maximum retweets.
If you won’t tweet at the right time, then you may never succeed in getting retweets.
By doing all your tweets during the right time, you may get surprised by seeing that you’ve got many retweets. This will ultimately make you successful in driving more twitter traffic to your blog.
3 p.m to 6 p.m EST is considered the best time for getting more tweets by many bloggers.

  1. Retweet More

There are some people who just tweet a lot, but they don’t retweet that often.
If you want people to retweet you, then it’s important that you should also retweet them.
When you’ll retweet some of the best tweets, your profile will gain more attention.
You should always retweet keeping in mind the people following you.
Make sure that you have proper combination of original tweets and retweets as then only you’ll succeed in getting good number of retweets.

  1. Make Use of the Word ‘Retweet’

Many people recommended me to make use of word ‘RT’ at the end of the tweet.
I used to get very less retweets, and then I decided to change ‘RT’ to ‘Retweet’.
Now, I’m able to get more retweets than before and am going to try out more words soon.
You’ll feel surprise to know that some people are getting lot of retweets by making use of words like ‘Please Retweet’. If you’re also interested in getting maximum retweets, then you too can try out combination of different words.

  1. Use Hashtags Properly

Hashtags definitely play a very important role as they are useful in gaining more attention.
By making use of the right hashtags, you’ll be able to get retweets from the people who’re related to your niche.
You can even check out the type of hashtags other people in your niche have been using for getting the maximum success at Twitter.
The best thing you can do is trying out different types of hashtags on your own, and then checking that which hashtags are making you get more retweets.

  1. Share New Posts Regularly

People definitely like reading unique content more than reading the same type of stuff again and again.
By sharing posts on unique topics, more people may get interested in going through your tweets.
You can even share the links of posts which are very funny as some people may definitely love to go through such posts.
Another thing you can do is tweet the links of new posts published by your friends, and they may decide to do the same.

  1. Use Images While Tweeting

Tweets with images are liked by most of the people at Twitter.
Studies have shown that such tweets generate more retweets than the normal tweets which only contain text.
The increasing use of images clearly indicates that how important role visual marketing is playing, and that’s why many people are now giving more time for Instagram marketing.
You should try to make use of images which match with the content you’re sharing. Tweets containing the right images always gain more attention.
If you don’t give importance to images while tweeting, then you can yourself check out the tweets done by some of the popular bloggers.
Things are definitely changing at Twitter, and that’s why you too need to become more innovative.

  1. Allow People to Include their Twitter Handle

One of the mistakes that you might be making is not leaving any space at the end of the tweet.
Many people still retweet the traditional way, and they also add their Twitter handle at the end of the retweet.
If you won’t leave any space, then people won’t be able to add their handle.
By leaving some space and keeping the tweet shorter, you may definitely be able to get the best out of all your Twitter marketing campaigns.

  1. Direct Your Tweets to the Right People

You can direct your tweets to the influential people in your niche by making use of ‘@Handle’.
If any influencer will retweet you, then definitely it will result in many more retweets.
It is necessary that you make a list of the influencers so that you won’t have to keep searching for influencers again and again.
Make sure you’re directing your tweets to the influencers at the right time, as then only they may make the decision to retweet you.

  1. 15-20 Tweets a Day is a Must

 How will people at Twitter notice you if you’re just doing 2 to 3 tweets in a day?
If you want to be a successful social media marketer, then you need to give more time for this.
Make sure that you’re doing at least 15 to 20 tweets in a day or even more as then only people will give more attention to your Twitter profile.
There are some people who have got lot of followers on Twitter just because they tweet a lot and they have become expert at Twitter marketing.

  1. Make Use of an Exclamation Mark

You may have never paid attention that many influencers make tweets containing exclamation mark.
It may be the right time when you should also make use of the exclamation point at the end of some of the tweets as such tweets gain more attention.
Even if social media traffic is playing a very crucial role, you should also try to get the best ranking for different keywords. Ranking different keywords will make your blog get good organic traffic which is the most important thing for making the blog become a successful one.
It may be the right time to follow these tips to follow get maximum retweets as Twitter traffic is always considered important. Every blogger and entrepreneur now understands the importance of Twitter making them spend more time tweeting. Do let me know the unique things you’re trying out for getting more retweets at Twitter.

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