10 Employer’s Actions Which Make The Best Employees Quit

Often managers do not pay attention to the actions that lead to unsuccessful actions. In this article, we will figure out what forces people to leave their work.
There are quite a lot reasons why workers leave the company: low wages, the impossibility of career growth, a boss tyrant, an uncomfortable atmosphere in the team. Any of these is enough for an employee to think about changing a job and write a resignation notice. You can blame these problems on anything, but the fact remains – people do not go away if their work does not suit them, they leave if they do not like the leader.
By the way, problems can be avoided by taking a different look at the situation in a new way and with a little effort. First of all, it is necessary to understand what managerial actions irritate good employees the most.

1. Excessive Workloads

Excessive workload is the main cause of burnout. If you work with the best specialists, the temptation to ‘squeeze’ the maximum out of them is very high, but this desire causes people to be confused, as it seems to them that they are being punished for quality work. In addition, overloads reduce labor productivity. The study from Stanford University proved that with a working week of more than 50 hours, efficiency drops sharply, and with a duration of more than 55 hours, it tends to zero. Many employees are ready to work seven days a week, to linger at work of their own accord, but sooner or later, this mode of work inevitably leads to the fact that a person accumulates fatigue, and endless trawls, reports that are not delivered in time etc. Only a few of the most desperate specialists will be able to work in such a state for a long time: sooner or later, each employee understands that as a reward for their desire to do everything at once, not only did they not receive more money, but simply received psychological stress. It is this condition that ultimately pushes a person to look for another place with a more moderate pace of work.
Solution of the problem: if you need to entrust talented employees with an additional amount of work, you will have to promote them in place. Only a truly “sensitive” and experienced leader will notice that the person does not receive any moral satisfaction, but only endless stresses. The simple signs of this will be lack of sleep, lateness, a sharp change in the mood of the employee, or simply no desire to perform certain tasks. Excessive workloads can be compensated by salary raise, promoting or changing positions. Do not expect that talented people will work harder than everyone else. Most likely, they will simply find a place where they will be treated according to their merits.  

2. Lack of recognition and awards for good work

At first glance, it may seem that encouraging tapping on the shoulder does not mean anything, especially for the best employee with excellent inner motivation. This impression is deceptive because everyone likes praise. Figure out how to encourage and reward them for success (for example, issue a bonus or commend in the presence of colleagues). Remember that in the case of talented employees this will have to be done really often.

3. Lack of human care

More than half of the staff leave their jobs because they fail to build trust-based relations with the boss. Smart leaders are able to maintain a balance between professionalism and humanity. They celebrate the success of employees with them, try to help those who are going through difficult times, and force them to work at the limit of opportunities, if necessary. Those to whom it is weird, continue to complain about the high percentage of staff turnover. It is unlikely that people will work for you without feeling your emotional involvement and sincere concern for their welfare.

4. Non-performance of obligations

By giving a promise to an employee, you can make him happy or disappoint, provoking his dismissal. Having fulfilled the promise, you justify the trust that is undoubtedly very important. Refusing the promise, you look like a slim ball who does not respect other people’s feelings. If a manager fails to fulfil his promises, sooner or later all employees begin to follow his example.

5. Hiring and promoting unsuitable specialists

Good hardworking employees want to see the same conscientious colleagues near. If the boss does not care about the thorough selection of new personnel, it demotivates those who already work in the company. Promotion of unsuitable experts always leads to disastrous results. The person who worked hard, but was left without promotion, will probably be offended and will start looking for a new use for his talent.

6. Obstacles in trying to follow a dream

Talented people are always obsessed with their work. They have hopes and dreams they aspire. This desire allows them to work productively and enjoy work. Many managers limit their subordinates. They fear that people who are obsessed with passion will work worse if you let this passion take hold of them. This fear is completely unfounded. Studies show that the euphoria of chasing a dream increases the productivity of work by about five times.

7. Lack of challenging and unusual tasks.

The best managers sometimes give their employees tasks that at first glance seem impossible. They abandon trivial projects and try to push people out of their comfort zone instead, and then put maximum efforts into helping them achieve success. Mental training is one of the most important things that the company can offer their workers. If skilled and intelligent people are forced to do simple or boring and monotonous work, they begin to look for another workplace in order to test their abilities.

8. Counteraction to the creative approach

Gifted employees always strive to improve their skills. If you do not allow them to do this, for fear of innovation, they will quickly hate their work. Attempts to restrain creative impulses harm everyone, including the leader himself.

9. Unfriendly Atmosphere And a Boss Dictator.

The statistics are really amazing: according to surveys, more than half of the employees are now being fired due to poor relations with the boss! And the saddest thing is that the absolute majority of managers simply do not notice that they go too far in communicating with their subordinates. But you need to remember only one thing: no employee will linger in the office, with an unfavorable atmosphere in the team and a tyrant boss. That is why today there is big staff turnover because everyone is looking for a place where he will most comfortably work.
Keep in mind that any conflict in the team can be solved, and relationships with colleagues can be adjusted, but if the boss is self-sufficient, then working with this is extremely toxic. A smart boss is the one who can combine leadership and humanity, who is excited about the victories of his subordinates, always is ready to help them, hear them, know how to motivate in word and deed.

10. Lack of education

Responding to questions about the lack of attention to subordinates, many bosses are looking for excuses, hiding behind words such as “trust”, “independent work” and “delegation of authority.” This is complete rubbish. Managers must lead, regardless of how talented their subordinates are. They must constantly listen and express their opinions.
The management process is endless. If a talented employee works under your command, you need to determine a development path for him. The best specialists always count on feedback, and you must provide it. If this does not happen, the employee will quickly get bored. Another important advice in this regard is that the manager should create conditions that have a career promotion system, for example, by appraising staff, conducting trainings, and evaluating the performance of the most promising personnel. This is necessary so that each worker knows what to strive for and why he should work.

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