5 Benefits of Blog Commenting That You Should Know

Today i’m here with an interesting topic which is best advantages of commenting on blogs.Each day blogging is growing in terms of membership and competition. And as competitive and populated blogging becomes, the more care is needed in promoting one’s blog and its content.
The best way to promote a blog nowadays, is to be social and active. Technically speaking, your popularity and success is directly proportional to how well you express yourself as a blogger to the outer world.
Social Media’s helps a lot in publicizing and socializing ourselves. And if used well, all social media’s can bring in a great positive effect on your blog. But, there is one other method to increase the popularity of your blog and yourself, that is blog commenting.
Most of us consider blog commenting as a way to get some backlinks and indirect traffic to our blog. But when observed, blog commenting can benefit you more than some mere backlinks.
If you’re un-aware about the advantages of blog commenting, then we’re here today with some great useful advantages of commenting on blogs.

SEO Strategies: Top 5 Advantages of Blog Commenting

1. Increases Your Online Presence

Your online presence really does matter in building a successful blog and hence, you should always use mediums like blog commenting to increase your online presence.
Being a regular commentator and reader of a few popular blogs can really help you gain concern. Choose a few of your favorite blogs, and comment on all their latest articles, regularly. Do not simply praise the article, instead write relevant comments that can help the author to improve his/her writing.

2. Brings In More Traffic

While commenting on blogs with commentluv enabled, you should always value the traffic that you can attract, more than the backlinks. But, how to attract more traffic from your blog comment?
Simple. Make your comment detail, complete and as I said earlier, do not simply praise the article and the author to get your comment approved. When other readers will notice your comment, they will surely visit your blog to know more about you.

3. Helps You To Get More Comments On Your Article

This point can be simply explained as a, give and take policy. Whenever you comment on the blog’s of your friend’s or contacts, then they’ll notice your comments and sensibly would return the favor, by reading and commenting on your blog post too.
Every blogger won’t return the favor. But still, there are bloggers who will notice your enthusiasm to comment on their blog, and will offer a return.

4. Get Relevant Backlinks

Of course, there is no denial of the fact that the majority of the bloggers out there comment on other blogs, just in order to grab the backlinks. These backlinks, as a whole do really help in increasing the SERP ranking of your blog post.
While choosing blogs to comment for the sake of backlinks, choose blogs with higher reader engagement and search engine authority. Search Engines like Google really value the quality of backlinks, than the quantity.

5. Be Featured As The CommentLuver Of The Week

Many blogs have a special category on their blog, that features the top 5 most commented persons in their blogs. Once you start being a regular commentator of any blog, it is pretty much sure that you’ll also be featured as one among the top 5 commentators of the week, and hence you will be able to bring in more traffic and popularity !

Final Words

Blog commenting has its own lots of advantages and today, we’ve tried to list out some of the important advantages amongst them. Yet, if you feel you have some different advantage of blog commenting in mind, then please do share it with us as comments below !

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