15 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Company Page

LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world and offers companies tremendous advantages. Company pages on LinkedIn can be used for self-promotion, establishing new contacts and maintaining relationships. It’s also an ideal platform to help companies recruit top talent, highlight their company culture and demonstrate expertise in their industry.  Here are 15 tips to make sure you have the best LinkedIn page possible:
1. Use Your Personalized URL – LinkedIn automatically assigns a URL for your company page based on your company name.  Make sure you’re extra careful when naming your page initially.  If you want to change your company URL after you have added a company name, you’ll need to write to LinkedIn Support to make it happen.
Some people have issues identifying their company URL.  LinkedIn uses the following Format for a company’s URL
You can safely delete anything after the “?” and have your personalize LinkedIn URL.  Each of your products and services also get their own personalized LinkedIn URL, so make you’re your extra careful when naming your products as well.
2. Add a Cover Photo – Your cover photo is the first image people see when they land on your page.  Take extra time to do something memorable that shows your brand in the best light.  The LinkedIn cover photo dimensions are 646 x 220 pixels.
3. Add Keywords to Your Page – When adding your copy, take some time to think of keywords that people will use to search for your company.  Both the LinkedIn Search Engine and Google use these keywords to display results.   Your keywords should be a mixture of your brand keywords and industry words.
4. Post Amazing Content – If you have a company blog, make sure you’re including LinkedIn within your social media distribution.  Also remember to add any earned media for your company to your LinkedIn company page.  Lastly, make sure to include content from 3rd parties that are relevant to your page.
5. Don’t Forget to Follow Your Own Page – This might sound funny but as the Admin, you are not automatically added as a follower to your page.  Make sure you add yourself as a follower.  Also make sure to invite all company employees to join your page.  It’s everyone’s job to be involved in social media.
6. Add Your Product and Services to Your LinkedIn Page – LinkedIn allows you to add your product and services to your LinkedIn page.  Make sure to take advantage of this marketing opportunity.
7. Ask for Product and Services Recommendations – Once you’ve added your product and services to your LinkedIn company page, don’t forget to ask for recommendations from your customers for those listings.  This is amazing social proof for your offerings.
8. Add Company Product or Service Videos – If pictures are worth a 1,000 words, then video tells a more complete story.  LinkedIn gives you the ability to add videos from YouTube to your product page.
9. Add Groups – LinkedIn Group is an amazing feature to allow for discussions about your company in a controlled group.  If it makes sense for your company to host a LinkedIn Group about your product or services, make sure to add it to your company page.
10. Create Multiple Variations of Your Services Page – You can create different versions of your services page that’s served to custom audiences based on their profile content. For example, you can create one version that’s targeted to people in the US, and another version for people from Europe. Once you create your “default” version,  you can then create different versions by clicking the “Create New Audience” button on the services page.
11. Promote Your Page with LinkedIn Ads – If you want to grow your following on LinkedIn, you can easily do that with LinkedIn ads.  It’s best to use these ads if your audience is highly targeted.  LinkedIn ads can be fairly expensive but if your going after a specific B2B niche, it’s one of the best platforms around.
12. Use Analytics – It’s a good idea to see how your LinkedIn page is performing by checking out your analytics page.  It gives you an idea of what posts perform best for your audience and who you’re reaching.  You can get valuable insights from viewing your analytics dashboard on LinkedIn
13. Use the LinkedIn Follow Button on Your Website – If you want to grow your LinkedIn following, there is no better or easier way than adding the LinkedIn follow button to your site.
14. Cross Market Your Page – It’s easy to cross market your LinkedIn page with your other social channels.  You can do it within your profile text or your cover photos.
15. Get Your Employees Involved – Sometimes getting your employees involved in your social media efforts can feel like herding cats.  You really need to emphasize that social media is everyone’s job and explain how important it is.
LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform for all businesses, especially B2B focused companies.  With a little effort, you can have an outstanding LinkedIn presence that showcases your company in the best light and helps develop sales leads and recruits the best talent.

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