Types of SEO – White Hat & Black Hat SEO

There are tonnes of website on WWW. All these websites are having a different ranking in search engine. As a website owner, you want your website to be top in the search engine. Thus, every webmaster looks for SEO. By SEO, webmaster can improve the rank and visibility of a website in search engine and hence he can drive more traffic. There are many companies in the market which provide SEO services to the webmaster. This company uses different tools, methods and techniques for SEO. These different ways are termed as hats. There are main three types of SEO techniques:

  1. White Hat SEO
  2. Black Hat SEO
  3. Grey Hat SEO

1.White Hat SEO

This is the best SEO technique to improve website ranking. White Hat SEO completely follows the rules and guidelines of search engine. Some White Hat SEO techniques include the following methods:

  1. High quality unique and original content development
  2. Optimization of HTML code
  3. Effective use of keywords
  4. Manual research for content

Webmaster can apply the above techniques for White Hat SEO. White Hat SEO techniques focus more on quality content. So by this way, it can attract readers and increase traffic and ranking. The main aim of this technique is human instead of search engine. Wholesomeness level of this technique is very high. This technique is search engine friendly. The impact of this technique is slow but steady. This technique is very useful if webmaster want long terms returns from his website.

2.Black Hat SEO 

As name suggest, this technique is completely opposite of White Hat SEO. This technique find weaknesses in search engine algorithm and then it will exploit it. This technique does not follow any rules of search engine. The main focus of this technique is search engine instead of human.  The following are some of the technique involved in Black Hat SEO:

  1. Link spam
  2. Keyword stuffing
  3. Hidden text and content
  4. Link farms
  5. Scraping

By applying the above technique, webmaster can achieve a good rank in the search engine in short span of time.  This technique is risky. If the search engine finds out that website is using Black Hat SEO, then search engine will ban that website temporarily or permanently. The impact of this technique is fast but not long lasting. The main target is a search engine. There is a lack of quality content on such website. So the user will not engage more. Wholesomeness level of this technique is very low. This technique is used by those webmasters who wants quick and short term returns from their website. 

3. Grey Hat SEO 

As grey colour is a combination of white and black. Similarly, Grey Hat SEO is a combination of White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO.  Most of the SEO companies provide Grey Hat SEO service. This type of SEO will not cross the line of Black Hat SEO but it is not completely White Hat SEO as well. SEO companies apply both the techniques of White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO to achieve higher rank in search engine. Wholesomeness level of Grey Hat SEO is moderate.
At last, no technique of SEO is good or bad. All the techniques have its own advantages and disadvantages. It is matter of choice which technique you follow and what are the advantages which you want to gain from that technique.

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